Hacking, we all have heard of this word. There are many people who work as a hacker. Though some of them do authorize work and some wish to do unauthorized work. But, being a hacker is not an easy task. And, if you also want to be one them then you are in the right place. Because we are here with “Top 10 Hacking Tricks for Beginners”. Also, if you don’t want to be a hacker, still have look at this article because reading this will help you to know the hacking techniques, through which you can protect your personal information. So read with us about “Top 10 Hacking Tricks for Beginners”

#1. Bait and switch

Baith and Switch is a hacking technique through which a hacker can purchase advertising space on a website. So, when a user visits that website and clicks on the ad, he or she will get directed to the page which is affected by the virus. This way, the virus will be installed on the user’s computer or mobile device. The download links and as shown in this technique is very engaging and attractive, also it is expected that the user will end up clicking on the link. This way hacker can run wicked programs which users believes and think to be authentic. This way once the user download program from that link, the hacker can get access to the user’s computer or mobile device.

#2. ClickJacking Attacks

ClickJacking is also known as UI Redress. In ClickJacking Attacks the hacker actually hides the UI which user is supposed or need to click. This kind of behavior is most commonly found in movie streaming, app downloading, websites and torrents. While most of the people use this to technique to earn dollars by advertising, some people might also use it to steal or hack your personal information. In simple words, in this kind of hacking, hackers hijack the user’s click for the particular page as they want to. It works by tricking the user by making him or her doing undesirable action and making them click on the hidden link.

#3. Cookie theft

We all know about cookies. It keeps our personal information like- Username, Password and data of all the different sites we visit. Once your cookies are accessible by a hacker, he can use your browser by authenticating himself/herself as you. The method through which hacker use this attacking technique, making use of a user’s IP packet is known as SideJacking. It’ll become easier of the hacker to attack the user if the user is using SSL(https) for the whole session.

#4. Phishing

Using Phishing technique hacker can replicate most accessed websites and can also trap the user easily by sending him/her a spoofed link. It becomes the deadliest attacked and also the most commonly used attack vector if combined with social engineering. The hacker gets all the personal information of the user once the user login into the site and enter the required information or data. Hackers took the route of Phishing via Gmail and iCloud to target “Fappening” leak, which also involved a number of female Hollywood celebrities. 

#5. Virus and Trojan

Trojan and Virus are software programs which ones get installed in the user’s system, sends all the data of the user to the hacker. Using this technique hacker can also serve a fraud advertisement, lock your files, sniff data or spread the virus to another computer which are connected to your device or network.

#6. Eavesdropping (Passive Attacks)

Unlike other hacking technique, in Eavesdropping or Passive Attack hacker observe the system of computer and networks. In order to gain unwanted information. The motive of using this technique is not to harm the user’s system but is to get some required information from the user’s system without getting identified. Such hackers can target instant messaging service, email, web browsing, phone calls, and other ways of communication. Hackers who are involved in such activities are Government agencies, Hat Hackers, etc.

#7. Fake WAP

Hackers sometimes just for fun sake, use the software in order to fake; wireless access point. This fake WAP connect itself to the public place official WAP. Once the user is connected with the fake WAP, Hacker can easily access all the information of the user. Fake WAP is one of the easiest hacking tasks to complete. Hacker is required a wireless network and simple software to accomplish it. It’s very easy to name rename WAP as a legit name like “Starbucks WiFi” and start spying on the users who are connected to it. Using VPN service is one of the safest ways to protect yourself from such attacks.

#8. Waterhole Attacks

In the Waterhole Attack, hackers target the location which is most accessible like a cafeteria or a coffee shop, etc. Once the hacker is aware of your suitable timings, they can create false Wi-Fi access point. They can also modify the most visited website and get your personal information. Since this attack gathers information from a specific place, it very hard to detect the hacker.

#9. Denial of Service

In this hacking technique, hacker brings down the site by flooding it with huge traffic. Due to which that particular site is unable to process the user request in the required time and crashes down. In this technique, hacker target machine with a ton of requests hacks the resource, which restricts the users request from being met.

#10. Keylogger

A keylogger is a software which records key sequence and Keyboard strokes into a log file that too on your machine. These log file may contain some personal information as emails IDs and their passwords. This hacking technique is also known as Keyboard Capturing. Keylogger can be hardware or software. Generally, Key logger target installed programs on a computer, keyboards, smartphone sensors, etc.

So these were Top 10 Hacking Tricks for Beginners. If you have used any of these do share your experience with us in the comment. Also, don’t forget to tell us how much you like “Top 10 Hacking Tricks for Beginners.”


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